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May 8, 2005 |
Volume V - Issue 246 |
Please don't forget to read the bulletin board. Enter +read from anywhere. |
Argon |
Friday the 13th |
SpinDizzians are preparing for this Friday, which, being the 13th day of the month makes it Friday the 13th. Considered an "unlucky day" by some, most folks think of the day as just another date on the calendar. However there are those who suffer from paraskevidekatriaphobia, an unreasonable fear of the date. The tales of "bad Luck" on Friday the 13th have been around for years and years. And many theories of why the date is considered unlucky have been put forward. Some studies have found that there is an increase in "bad luck" for some folks on this date. However these instances of bad luck could be interpreted as just bad luck, and have no relation to the date. Here on SpinDizzy, there has been little talk about the upcoming Friday. It's possible many are not even aware of its eminent arrival. Past history has shown that for the most part, this date's occurance in the has resulted in little or no "bad luck" that has effected the community. However, things change. So it's possible that this Friday the 13th could be the one to be unlucky. So be careful! Don't walk under ladders, be wary of black cats, ask a centaur to give you a horse shoe for good luck and resist the temptation to carry a rabbit's foot. If you find a four leaf clover, you'll probably not have bad luck at all. Be careful on Friday, and you'll probably have no bad luck at all. | |
Argon |
Yugioh Fever strikes Rose Garden |
A few comments about the Yugioh tv show brought about the following exchange. I've had to made some edits and change a few exchanges (noted by putting them in parentheses) to keep the article "family friendly. Gilead wraps his tail around his muzzle and snickers at the dialogue in Yugioh. And I did! | |
Ba'ar |
In step with: Charlie |
![]() Hello and welcome back to In Step With, a series of articles about your local Spindizzy citizens. This week, we meet Charlie, local mouse/motorocyle. Ba'ar growls, "Okay let's start. Our readers know about you and some have even met you 'in the pelt' as it were. For one thing, how long have you been here in Spindizzy?" Charlie grins, "Well, I just got here a couple weeks ago, though I've heard good things about this place from friends." Ba'ar growls, "It's a great place to be...very small and very intimate.." Ba'ar growls, "What brought you to Spindizzy?" Charlie says, "What brings anyone here? I was taking a long trip home and got somewhat lost, and ended up here." Ba'ar growls, "It's a great place and I hope you've decided to stay." Ba'ar smiles Charlie grins back, "Oh, I have. Plenty of good people here." Ba'ar growls, "Charlie, you're a curious combination of mouse and motorcycle. If you would, could you tell us how that came about?" Charlie says, "Well, I was a pilot awhile back. Mostly stunt planes and vintage aircraft. During a show I lost control and crashed. I couldn't use my legs anymore so I went to a cyberneticist friend and had myself grafted into the bike you see here." Ba'ar growls, "Did you always enjoy motorcycling? Is that why you chose to combine yourself with the bike?" Charlie says, "Yeah. Mostly it's the combination of speed and grace, to me. Plus it's easier to get around in than if I grafted myself into an aircraft." Ba'ar growls, "I was just about to ask about the advantages. Would you say the advantages include speed, grace and the ease of getting around?" Charlie grins, "Yup. Though there are still times I wish I had gone for something more conventional like a pair of legs, I'm pretty happy with my bike." Ba'ar growls, "Okay thanks. What are the disadvantages of having a bike grafted to your body?" Charlie says, "Well, for one, I have to have the engine running constantly to be much use at all. Without the engine on I'm really slow and groggy. Then the smaller movements are harder or impossible. Ever try to sidestep with a pair of forword-rolling wheels?" Ba'ar growls, "Good point. So how about fuel?" Ba'ar growls, "Can you eat the same kind of food as before or do you have to consume a special kind of fuel for your motorcycle part?" Charlie says, "Well, I do need some gasoline, but a good portion of my fuel comes from just what I eat. I do have to eat a lot more starch and protein now, but it's all good." Ba'ar growls, "Interesting. So ..how have furs in general reacted to your form?" Charlie says, "Well, back home a lot of friends and stuff were shocked. They wanted to know why I didn't choose something I could still fly with. Everyone else thought it was an interesting choice, but cybernetic replacements were fairly normal so it wasn't a big deal. Now here I find it kinda funny that I'm actually quite normal for the furs here." Ba'ar growls, "I know. You'll meet all kinds here... Now then...What are your hobbies?" Charlie shrugs. "I dunno. I like to keep up to date with aircraft tech still. I like to hang out, and meet new furs. I see myself as mostly a laid-back kinda guy." Ba'ar growls, "If you were made Spindizzy's king, what changes would you make?" Charlie thinks about that for a little bit... "Well... First I'd paint the crown to match my bike, a nice blue and chrome design, then I'd require that everyone completely ignore the monarchy and just take the crown as little more than a fashion statement." Ba'ar growls, "Would you do any paving to make it easier for you to get around?" Charlie says, "Nah. I do just as well off-road as on. Heck, it's more fun to bounce around on a nice rocky trail than cruise on a paved road, sometimes." Ba'ar growls, "Do you have any plans for the future?" Charlie just leans back a little against the back seat. "Just gonna make myself a home here and settle in on this world." Ba'ar growls, "Good idea. Now then...a few more...What secret fact or desire about you would surprise our readers?" Charlie thinks on that for a second... "That I can turn water to wine? No... Wrong person. Lead to gold? Don't know alchemy. I dunno, I guess. They'll just have to find out over time." Ba'ar smiles..."One more question before we go...Do you have any words of wisdom for our readers?" Charlie grins, "Words of wisdom? Don't pull into a high-G dive in a vintage plane unless you know that maintenance is up to date, and then some." Ba'ar grins, "Good advice. That concludes our interview for the paper. Thanks for your cooperation! Charlie grins and offers his hand, "Thanks for inviting me." | |
Gilead |
Gilead's Desert of Puns. |
Q: What do you call a magical rattlesnake around someone's neck? A: A Crotalisman. Q: What do you call a honeycomb in Australia? A: Wall o' bees. Q: What do you put on Australian sushi rolls to give them bite? Q: What procyonid is most musical? Q: What procyonid has the most annoying sound? Q: What do you call a long-nosed procyonid that eats eucalyptus? Q: What kind of snake makes little shavings of cheese? Q: What kind of snake defends things? Q: What kind of snake makes roads smooth? Q: What kind of snake eats Belgian settlers in Africa? Q: What kind of snake eats airplanes? Q: What kind of venomous snake is the world's toughest and meanest? | |
Zach |
Zach's Quotable Quote |
Can you guess where the quoted yap was made, and who
said it? See the bottom of the paper for the answer..
"But you're my son no matter what form you take." | |
Argon |
This week in history |
Back issues from a year and more ago. Remember when...?
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Argon |
Newspaper Circulation Report |
@Action News, SpinDizzy's weekly paper, apparently has a fairly healthy circulation, so we figured we'd show just how healthy it is. Each week, as long as there's room. I'll show the 'hit graph' for the @Action News website.
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Ba'ar |
Bearing Up |
![]() Welcome to the latest edition of Bearing up, the advice column where Ba'ar (That's me!) has answers to your most challenging questions. Dear Bearing Up, Dear Scott: Dear Bearing Up, Dear Max House: Dear Bearing Up: Dear Argon: Dear Bearing Up, Dear Marvin: Dear Bearing Up: Dear K. Roo: Dear Bearing Up: Dear Dead Symbol: Dear Bearing Up: Dear V. Iagra: Remember possums (to steal a term from Dame Edna ;-D), if you have any questions,please page mail me (Ba'ar) online or send mail to big_bear@operamail.com. Thanks. | |
Argon |
Weekly Survey |
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Zach |
Zach's Quoted Quote Answer |
Author D. V. newest release, _A Father and Son Seperated_ leads the top of the best seller list. Folks are lining up just to find out what is going to happen. Pre-order your copy today. Today's location takes us, that's right back to the Rose Garden! Our quoter is that loving scottish moxie, Elissa. Woohoo for all of you that got it right! | |
Argon |
The Doze Garden |
Going for a swim with Argon and Mavra almost turns tragic when Suri insists on wearing her zinc swimsuit! | |
@Action News Info |
Guidelines and Procedures for Submitting Articles |
Submitting a story or artwork for @Action News is easy! Just send it to newspaper@spindizzy.org or qmail or page Argon, Carl or SDN about it. Thanks! Argon, Editor @Action News |