@ Action News

Argon -- Editor

SpinDizzy Oscars

The first annual Spindizzy Awards have begun! To vote, type 'vote' from anywhere on the MUCK to enter the voting booth and look at the topics. To the left of each topic is a number. Type in that number to vote on that particular topic, or to see the results of that topic if you have already voted (you cannot see the results of a topic you have not yet voted on). To vote for a choice already listed, simply type in the number located left of your choice. To add a new choice, type 'a' for 'add new choice', then type in your choice. Please do NOT add a choice again if it is already available (hence the reason three Boki choices are available for the 'Most Fish Eaten' category.)

Please don't vote for one person in every category, especially in categories they are not eligible for. Adara has been voted for once in every category (including 'Best Zombie' and 'Cutest Couple'.) One vote for Adara, therefore, will not be counted in each category. For example, if she has been voted for only once in a category, we will not count at all for that particular category. If she has been voted for twice, it will be counted as though she has only been voted for once, etc. Voting for one person in every category takes away from the spirit of the vote. It is not funny, but only a hassle for those who have to sort through the mess.

Feel free to add your own categories for the Spindizzy Awards to the voting booth. All we ask is that the categories are appropriate, and won't hurt anyone (No "worst" anything).

The last day to vote is Monday, April 21st. An awards ceremony will be held late that week (hopefully on Friday). So remember to vote, everyone, and to attend the Awards ceremony.

Who's Who Update Underway

SpinDizzy splash page.Adara, local Judicial Cat, has been gathering information from locals to up date the Who's Who List on the SpinDizzy Website

The list was in dire need of updating. A number of characters who are no longer with us, bad links, and old pictures needed to be removed, repaired or replaced. Adara has done a fine job of clearing things up, and is still accepting new and / or updated information for the page.

If you would like to be included on the page, just send an image of your character, and a short blurb telling a little about yourself to Adara or Argon and it'll be included.

Hopefully, the new page will be up and running in a week or so.

New Arrivals

Newbie patpating Morticon.Every other week, I will be calling attention to the new members of our community. (Editor's Note; ...with the permission of each of the new folks featured, of course. Folks who don't want to be featured in this series, will of course, have that wish fufilled.) This is not to embarrass them, but rather I do it in the hopes that it will encourage everyone to give them a special welcome and friendship.

The following members are new to our community as of a week or two ago at most. Please give them a warm welcome and offer assistance if needed. Who knows, you might even make a new friend or two!

  • Amos
  • Brongaar - male Cartoon Horse
  • Silver - male Fox
  • Brenda - female Cougar
  • Xero - [User has changed their name already]
  • Spirit - male Winged Grey Wolf - "Chasing my tail for Great Britain"

BarterGarter Offering Sale On Plushies

BarterGarter's Rolling Cart of Bargins is offering Plushies of your favorite SpinDizzy characters! Get yours before they are all gone!


Weekly Survey

Argon doing the survey.This week, Argon told folks, "I'm doing a survey to be published in @Action News. The question this week is, 'With all the old movies and TV shows being remade, what movie or TV show should they remake in 3-D?"

  • Fenris growls, "Clockwork Orange, I would love to see that in 3-D."
  • Findra -- They should definitely make Night of the Lepus again in 3D. Grar! Scary giant bunnies! =:)
  • BarterGarter, "Oh, and as for this week's survey, Robotech!"
  • Carlos bleats, "Bambi! Really!"
  • Terra chirrrs. "Definitely My Little Pony."
  • Gilead chirps, "I'd have to say "The Last Dragon." 3D kung fu would kick tail."
  • Eris says, "I think Tron would be pretty cool in 3d.. but I don't know why."
  • Gina_Doberman says, "Tron. It was good, but they could have done better!"
  • Friskyfox yips, "Jeopardy... in 3D!"
  • Nikon says softly, "Plan 9. Then they will stop doing remakes."
  • Standen mreeps, "Maybe Labyrinth."
  • Rown says, "Oh! I said "Either "My mother the car" or "Mr. Ed". :-p"
  • Leslie pips, "Roger Rabbit!"
  • Gen says, "No, wait. Sports Night."
  • Basil oohs! "Okay, I finally thought of one. Stargate!"

The Doze Garden

Rather than stuffing the ballot box with votes, you should be stuffing Boki with fish!

The Doze Garden Comic Strip

Guidelines and Procedures for Submitting Articles

Submitting a story or artwork for @Action News is easy! Just send it to newspaper@spindizzy.org or qmail or page Argon about it.
@Action News is published weekly on or after 12:01 AM Eastern Time on Sunday. Most any type of story or article will be accepted. Generally, we'd prefer things that aren't out and out lies or flames about other folks, and have a basis in the reality of SpinDizzy. Things that occur in public areas are fair game. The things reported don't have to have actually happened, (any more than anything that happens here does) but make sure you don't overstep the social boundaries and rules of interaction that we have. These are pretty broad guidelines, but we expect good sense to apply.

Thanks! Argon, Editor @Action News