12/16/2K |
Kulan |
Skyler Erects This Years
Christmas Tree |
This week, Skyler, local wiz and toon bunny, erected this year's
Christmas tree. The tree is just a few small, green
branches, nailed on a weak, wooden cross. Pine needles spray
from it on every motion. A ragged old blue blanket is
wrapped around its base.
The tree is located in the park, and anyone may add their favorite
decorations to it. Currently, it is wearing A model of the
moon lander from 2001, A model of a Gemini capsule., something
that Maxl actually enjoys, A 'Join the SED!' pamphlet, a slightly
mouldy severed elk hoof, Entrails that serve as garland, a golden
acorn, Mini-clock from TimesHeart, a carousel reindeer, a Chinese
dragon, a blue crystal in the shape of a kitty, A small paper
angel with white hair and a black-and-white skunktail. and fifteen
billion college applications, a garland of Floridian chads,
fifteen empty Starbucks cups, twenty roadkilled eggplants, a
little brass hexagram with a hovering sphere inside it and a new
Feel free to visit the park and add your own decorations!
You can also see trees from Christmas past by typing 'luge chr'.
Sources |
Player's Account Hacked ;
@Archive Saved the Day |
Mozdoc, former local centaur, was caught using Argon's Spindizzy
account by Skyler, local toon bunny and wizard. Argon's
password was guessed merely by knowledge of his species and
personality. Before anyone had realized what had happened,
however, Mozdoc was busy removing descriptions of various rooms
and objects, including that of Argon himself. Mozdoc was
quickly @toaded and will not be allowed onto Spindizzy for quite
some time. Mozdoc's motives for his actions were not quite
clear, though he seemed to have issues with Argon just a few weeks
prior to the act of vandalism. No permanent damage was done,
however, as Argon was able to restore his descriptions using his
@archived backups.
When asked for comments, Argon stated, "I had no reason to be
too concerned about security. I'm not a Wiz, and could
foresee no reason for my account to be hacked. Guess it just
goes to show that you can't assume anything. Thank goodness
for @archive though. I'm still amazed Mozdoc found me all
that interesting, and worth such revenge."
"In consequence", stated Austin in a recent bulletin
board posting, "it is strongly recommended that everyone
reset their passwords to some alphanumeric combination which has
no obvious connections to the player or to the character
played." He also mentioned that you can see where you
last connected from when you first log in. If you do not
recognize the IP address or hostname, there is a possibility you
were hacked and you should contact a wizard immediately.
Kulan |
How to Use @Archive and
@Password |
@Archive is a way to back up everything you have made.
Unfortunately, typing one command will not archive everything you
own, generally. Before we get into actual commands, lets go
over the basic idea of @archive. Essentially, you turn
off word-wrap in your muck client, turn on logging for the
Spindizzy session, type in the @archive command, and press enter.
In a minute or two it will finish and you can turn off logging.
You will then have a snapshot of everything @archive read through.
If you needed to restore the snapshotted objects, you would
simply tell your muck client to paste the file back into the muck
session and in just minutes your creations would be restored.
In some cases when you have an exit linked to someone else's room
and they no longer allow linking, that part of the room creation
will fail. Be sure to take a quick look around your restored
creations to check for things like that.
Now for some commands to get you started. Please log the
results of these @archive commands if you wish to make a backup of
what they describe. To archive yourself (including morphs,
objects carried, etc) type in: "@archive me".
In SOME cases, if you join another muck, you can paste this back
into that muck session and get most of your morphs and objects
automatically. Try this at your own risk.
To archive a room and all the rooms connected to it that you own,
type in "@archive here=ae", but first make sure you are
IN that room! This should also grab the objects and zombies
as well contained in it. If you wish to backup a specific
object, simply do a "@archive objectname", where
objectname is the name of the object.
If you have further questions about the @archive command, you can
get help by typing "@archive", or "look
@archive" for very simplified help. You can of course
ask Wizards if you have even further questions or do not
understand quite how to work it.
The other crucial command, @password, will let you change your
password. Using it is very simple. Simply type
"@password currentpassword=newpassword". For an
example, if you have a password of hello, and wish to change it to
goodbye, type in "@password hello=goodbye".
Please do not choose such an obvious password though!
In summary, @archive your important objects and be sure to have a
secure password so that what Mozdoc did cannot happen again!
Argon |
Path East Restored |
The Path East, leading from Centaur Square to the edge of
SpinDizzy, suffered some minor vandalism earlier this week due to
Mozdoc. Because of @archive, it has been restored and is
ready to be explored. In addition, a new global has
been installed muck wide which will take you to Centaur Square.
Enter 'cs' or 'csq' to go there.
Argon |
SpinDizzy.Org Gets New Look |
Our website, http://www.spindizzy.org
has a new theme and a far more professional appearance.
Thanks to the suggestions and hard work of a few folks, the
website has a unified theme and a more streamlined appearance.
Suggestions and prototypes were received from Terra, Jackal,
Kendra and Boki which were mulled over and discussed. After
the final layout was decided upon, Boki, local Seagull, put
together the final site that now bears our name.
I'd like to thank everyone involved in this project, and
congratulate them on making SpinDizzy's presence on the web far
more indicative of the professionalism of the muck's management,
SED Invasion Hoards
Thwarted |
Wednesday evening, the 12th of December, SED leader Morticon
attempted an invasion of the home of resident Centaur and
Spindizzy regular, Rown. In a surprise move, Morticon
preceded his invasion with the message, "Morticon invades
Rown's living room with hoards of SED Soldiers :)" Morticon
then advanced (with an hoard of one) into Rown's front yard and
attempted to invade his home only to be repelled by some quick
thinking and a banishment command. To the great amusement of the
guests at Rown's home that night and to Morticon's disappointment,
the evil wallaby was sent back home.
An attempt was made to request the nature of Morticon's actions
and render assistance. When Rown asked Morticon if he needed help,
his reply was, "Yes. You can set your house on fire." Of
course the request was denied considering the nature of his wish.
Rown's response was a joyful laugh towards Morticon to which
Morticon asked, "What's so funny, horse?" Of course Rown,
being far above the average evil wallaby in intelligence,
overlooked the crude remark and went about enjoying the company of
his friends, safe from the SED 'forces' outside his walls.
Morticon, on the other hand, was visited by Fraxusterpouet,
Frogar's pet. Fraxusterpouet, being the lovable, curious, and
endearing little creature that he is, went right to work letting
Morticon know just how much he'd like to be his friend. Morticon's
reply was, "Errm, that's OK." When asked if Morticon
would give Fraxusterpouet a piggy back ride, Morticon replied,
"I think I'll be leaving... quickly...", after which he
made a hasty retreat!
Argon |
Performing Arts Center
Opens Off Centaur Square |
Rown, local Centaur, in an effort to expose our community to
culture and entertainment has opened the Centaur Amphitheater off
Centaur Square. Equipped with the latest in audio and lighting
equipment, the open air edifice is designed for the best in
acoustics and viewing. A large screen is available which
displays films, including IMAX, along with a full surround sound
Designer and builder Rown, when asked why he built the center,
said, "I wanted to offer something special to the community,
and especially the friends I have made here. It seems a
place for those with talent to perform was needed and this seemed
like an appropriate place for it."
Although designed with Centaurs in mind, with large platforms and
ramps, accommodations have been made for all forms of audience
members, both to observe performances and to perform. Rown
asks that anyone who cares to use the amphitheater feel free to do
@Action News Info |
Guidelines and Procedure
for Submitting Articles |
>> Procedure for
submitting an article:
* The newspaper building is located at Role Play
Central (rpc). When you
enter the building you will see a bulletin board.
* Go ahead and 'write' your story. If you
decide you don't want to write
one, hit .abort and forget about it. Otherwise page
'newspaper' alerting
us that you wrote one when you finish pasting it in.
* An alternative to this is to page #mail newspaper
with your story OR
email it to newspaper@spindizzy.org
* We will edit it and tell you where you can look at it
to make sure it wasn't mangled. You can then p #mail the
editor involved saying that it is ok. Otherwise, suggest
changes that should be made. If you trust the editors feel free to
put something to the effect that you pre-approve the editing in your
rough draft.
* That's it! It'll appear in the paper!
>> Guidelines for writing articles:
When writing articles for the paper...
* Try and do some proofreading before submission.
That means spell check!
However, if you're no good at that sort of stuff, just send it
as-is and the
editors will try their best.
* No articles whose sole purpose is to flame
someone. You can use the SpinDizzy BB for
that ;)
* Please strive for accuracy. If they have time,
the editors may check up on some of the quotes and perhaps the basic
facts of the article. Otherwise, it is assumed you did your
best to write an accurate article. If this is abused and
inaccurate things are complained about, stricter rules may be put in
* Submitting your article anytime on Friday evening through the
normal publishing date (Saturday night) will usually waive your
right to review the edited version because of time
constraints. You will be contacted and informed but if you
cannot get on before the publishing deadline to check your article
it will be published regardless UNLESS you specify otherwise.
* The editors' decisions are final. This is not a
wiz ran paper so do not
complain to them. We can be reached by paging
* Just about anything is published, so be creative!
It can be IC views on
RL topics, RPs that occurred around the MUCK, or most other
things you can
think of. You have creative license when it comes to
documenting RPs, so
feel free to expound on the action, etc. If you aren't
sure if a story is
acceptable, page 'newspaper' and find out! :)
* The AUP applies, so keep language and content
acceptable. |
End | |