Argonizationing Exhibition Examples from 1/28/2003

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Argon says, "*If the wind shifts it may snow tonight.*"

Fenris transmitts, "If the direction of the local aerial currents changes position to one that it is not heading in at this moment then there is a better than nonexistant percentage chance that some cold precipitation may float down from the atmosphere." Alicia says, "It is with the northern current that moisture in the air is suddenly condensed, because of the uncertain direction of the northern current that the direction it is traveling is causing the formation of droplets to become more dense as the tempature drops. Therefore the droplets fall at a paritally frozen state."

Mavra says, "Due to a causal-effect relationship between pressure gradients and the precipitation of oxygen dihydrate crystals, if the former were to occur in sufficient quantities, the resultant would therefore be a greater than a fifty percent chance of the latter happening."

Cye says, "Due to a high and low pressure buildup we may see the formation of ice cystals falling towards the ground causing some lessing of visiblity and ground covering."

Adara purrs, "If the movements of the cold and warm air rushing to equalize each other begin to gather and collect in a different area and begin from a different area then it has on the previous 24 hour periods known as days, then H2O in the form of small, individual crystals may proceed to drop from the lower levels of the atomsphere and onto the earth which we mere beings travel"

Argon says, "*What planet are you from?*"

Ba'ar growls, "What Interstellar body in the Milky Way Solar System do you call home?"

Fenris transmitts, "If I may ask you, what celestial body that orbits around a star inside of a stellar system and part of the galactic whole, do you, as a sentinent and thinking living organism, have as your point of original origin?"

Alicia says, "It is a world within worlds that I wonder about the other speicies and lifeforms that inhabit this universe of ours. As I know that most inhabitants are many and so few know each other one apart. As I wonder I wonder in particular is your location in this vast greatness of dimesion and and time."

Adara purrs, "What celestial gathering of solid rock with its own atmosphere that circles the sun in the galaxy of the Milky Way and floats in the vast vaccume known as space do you make your daily residence and hail as your domain?"

Argon says, "Upon what article of matter or collection thereof where you began your journey to set your stabalizing appendage upon the soil of this world, that ages old edifice upon which intellegent life arose from the gas and swamps of it's infancy, did you initiate your transportation heretofore appearing here?"

Mavra says, "I am so taken aback by your apparent lack of knowledge of socio-economic standards and skills that I am to assume that you are not only not native to the biosphere of this sphere and thereby alien to it. From this observation, I am then sufficiently intrigued by this situation to further ask of you from the coordinates of spacetime of the biosphere that had originally spawned such an ignorant being such as you?" Cye has connected.

Argon says, "*Speeding fines doubled when workers are present*"

Adara purrs, "When there are beings about that are obviously engaged in some kind of moving processes for which they are paid, the amount of money that is the required pay for accelerating your moving vehicle so that it would, in an hour, go above the amount permitted by law will increase by that amount regularly paid for accelerating your moving vehicle so that it would, in an hour, go above the amount permitted by law taken twice"

Alicia says, "Under section A-14, pages 3327 to 3328, paragraphs 20-22. It is hearby noted that the life of others must be taken into consideration especially in the presence of automitve vehicles. In such cases all automoive vehicles must pass into a zone whereby the industry and private contractors must work to maintain the integrity of the automotive pathways. Therefore a higher fine would be reuired for compenastation if the construction party is hearby injured on the job or is involved in a near accidental situation for a motorist going at double speed than permitted."

Fenris transmitts, "If employed persons, working for the company that is here attempting to work are present and in residence in this place at the point in the space-time continuum at which you in this present configuration of chaos are passing from one point to another through, then the fines on the charge of operating an internal combustion engine driven vehicle at unsafe speeds higher than the posted limit will be significantly higher than normally posted, such that at that moment in space time already mentioned previously the fine will be exactly double what it would be if the variables mentioned were different in substantion ways." Fenris transmitts, "Ack, that should have been

Argon says, "The pieces of gold that shall be taken from you as punishment for moving your vehicle at a measurement of length vs time of travel exceeding that which has been set at a speed less than that at which you are witnessed moving whether with or without your consent will be twice the number taken from you under the same circumstances with the exception of those who are exterting force against simple and complex tools to improve the surface upon which you were witnessed exceeding the measurement of speed are present at the time of your trangression."

Mavra says, "Velocities in excess of what has been posted on signs that are too small to see until you are upon them and proceeding on past in the above-standard rapidity shall extoll upon the purpetrators of such deeds an amount of financial dues and burdons that shall be an additional one-hundred percent of what is written in law in the case if those who are recompensed by agreed-upon legistlative branches of government for expenditure of ergs, joules, or other units of energy in the destruction/transformation/re-assembly of surface structures are co-habitation upon the general space-time coordinates not to extend further than 1*10^13 wavelengths of blue-light spectra in space."

Argon says, "*The Coke machine stole my money!*"

Adara purrs, "The mechanical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks that dispenses plastic bottles filled with a drinkable, cold, carbonated substance that is pleasing to the mouth known by the pleibians as Coca-Cola accepted the circular substance that I give in order to recieve a product into its great cavern, but would not dispense the aforesaid cold, carbonated, liquid substance."

Argon says, "The device which when offered pieces of metal through design and weight represent different values in the society that provided the previously mentioned device accepted and retained my offering and refused to acknowledge acceptance of same nor provide me with the refreshing product that I was promissed by it's bright colorful case and messages I am bombarded with promissing me a better life if and when I consumed the product contained within the device which refuses me that for which I paid."

Austin says, "The foul fingers of a crooked notion crept out from a tinkerer's contrivance and snatched greedily the hard-won earnings on an honest man's day in base betrayal of the promise of a Coca-Cola."

Alicia says, "If you my good fellow please help that in need. You see the mechanical device on the corner of 5th and B is an infernal thing that does not funciton correctly. As you may know this device accepts small metallic discs and dispenses in return, a product from which one can use. Apparently this device did not dispense a product when I insered the correct amount of metal disks."

Fenris transmitts, "The mechanical apparatus that is used by the mega-corporation known as Coca-cola to disperse caramel flavored, carbonated beverages that were designed and /or invented in the later years of the last milleniumin exchange for monetary denominations ranging from as little as one half of the smallest bill printed with a United States president on it, staccepted the monetary denominations that I offered it but refused to reply with the aforementioned beverage."

Kinsor skriters, "Fatal Error #005: The event of which thereupon the local currency which had previously been contained or held within your personal possession and there which had been applied to a mechanical sensing mechanism for the purpose of obtaining a refreshment from the Coca-Cola company or affiliated representatives thereof has failed to occur in the expected manner nor has returned the said legal tender at this time. Try

Mavra says, "This machine has performed an illegal operation. Your money is forfit."

Kinsor skriters, "The soda machines at work are very large simply for the readouts."

Fenris transmitts, "Error 504, refund not found." Mavra snerks.

Kinsor skriters, "Soda not found, [A]bort, [R]etry, [I]gnore?"

Butterfluff says, "The soda machine you have reached is not in service at this time. Please hang up and try again."

Kinsor skriters, "If you believe you received this soda in error, please insert more money and press zero."

Mavra says, "All your coin are belong to me. Hahaha. Coke your time."

Alicia says, "And I say to myself consumer, I need exact change. Be bo bo bopbop."

Argon says, "Ok, I was describing this event in the Rose Garden the other night, and Boki was there, so I thought it might be fun to try Argonizing a Bokism, so, Argonize..."
Argon says, "*The best fish belongs to Boki.*"

Butterfluff says, "Despite great efforts of the seafood industry and their patrons, the superior aquatic life forms of the commestible variety seem to be claimed aforetime by one Boki or Bookee, a waterfowl of indeterminate antecedants."

Mavra says, "O-ho! It is I, Boki! I see that you have some fish there and that it looks tasty! Tasty fish are always the best! You shall now give it to me!" Mavra says, "It is just this way!"

Argon says, "Fish that is of above average quality, and possesses a taste that is supirior to that of any other fish, all other fish being of lesser quality and of inferior flavor than those of the group that has better flavor and other attributes will be the fish that is in the posession of that who is known by the name of Boki."

Adara purrs, "Of the cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills, a seagull known throughout the connection of chatrooms creating an entity called Spindizzy as Boki has possesion of the aforementioned aquatic verebrate that has the most positive qualities." "

Kinsor puts on a polyester suit with matching white tie, "Here at the Gull-o'-Rama, we don't want all the fish ....just the best fish! Tell them sent you!"

Event ends.

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