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March 21, 2004 |
Volume IV - Issue 192 |
Please don't forget to read the bulletin board. Enter +read from anywhere. |
Argon |
Beach Returns to Rose Garden |
After a fun weekend of surf and sand, "The Shore", or beach where the Spring Break event was held, returned to its normal appearance. Tuesday night, Murticon, local wallaby and Wiz, briefly arrived at the beach and said he was going to change it back to The Rose Garden. Although a few folks expressed disappointment that "The Shore" would be no more, the change went smoothly. The hoped-for record-breaking connection numbers weren't reached during this event, but those who did log on had a great time. It is hoped that more "Special Events" such as this can be held. The Wizzes are always open to ideas for things like this. If you have an idea, talk to a Wiz! | |
Newswire Sources |
Kern, Ing Demand Gender Clarity |
Mechanical birds Kern, the clockwork tern, and Ing, Kern's imaginary friend and raven, demanded Sunday that biological characters across the muck choose a gender and settle on it. Matters began when Kern referred to one female character as "he" and was corrected, provoking a fit from the metal-based avian. "It's very confusing that you can't decide whether you're he or she," Kern cried. "One of you says you're he, and I bet he says you're she, and she says you're he again," it said, pointing at one male, one female, and another male in the Rose Garden. Silver gryphon Gryphe questioned whether anyone had trouble deciding; gender trades are notoriously rare on Spindizzy compared to more eccentric transformations into slippers, pendants, balloons and that ilk. Kern flapped away and insisted the crowd in the Rose Garden couldn't make up its mind whether to be 'he' or 'she' consistently. Ing, speaking through Kern, agreed that the biological characters could be much less confusing about whether they're he or she. | |
Newswire Sources |
Ping Denies Being Elephant's Agent |
Ping, leading cartoon mouse, denied rumors this week that he had signed on as agent to a young elephant rumored to be able to fly. ``I don't know how these stories get started,'' said the wizard, ``but I'm hard at work in my studies and haven't the time to be an agent for anyone, elephant or not.'' Ping also denied knowing any elephants at all. The after-hours roleplay market was unaffected by this and Ping's stock rose 3/8 of a point on his denial of involvement in the activity. | |
@Action News |
Reporters Needed |
Thanks to a number of folks, @Action News covers SpinDizzy like an elastic coati. However, additional contributions to the paper are not only welcome, but needed. Fun and interesting things happen on SpinDizzy at all hours of the day and night. Things other folks would enjoy hearing about. If something happens that folks seem to enjoy, how about writing it down and send it in to be in the paper? All sorts of strange, unusual, and creative things happen on SpinDizzy that no one else knows about. You can help folks know what else is going on here! So feel free to contribute to newspaper@spindizzy.org. You can become one of the well respected members of the @Action News Team, or send in your contribution anonymously if you wish. Either way, help @Action News show SpinDizzy residents what they're missing when they aren't awake. Thanks! | |
Newswire Sources |
Caption Contest |
Send your ideas via page #mail to sdn or Carl, or e-mail them to newspaper@spindizzyorg. And remember, there are no wrong answers. | |
Newswire Sources |
More Fun With Puns |
With both Argon and Rown, local centaurs, visiting the Rose Garden, the arrival of Ba'ar, local bear resulted in the following exchange; Ba'ar smiles at Argon and Rown "What is this? A Centaur's convention?" Watch @Action News next week when a centaur goes someplace and no puns are made. A fantasy story of course. | |
Ba'ar |
Bearing Up |
Dear Bearing Up: Dear Customer Service: Dear Bearing up, Dear Sandy: Dear Bearing up: Dear Mike: Dear Bearing up: Dear Michaelangelo: Dear Bearing up: Dear Bud: Remember possums (to steal a term from Dame Edna ;-D), if you have any questions,please page mail me (Ba'ar) online or send mail to big_bear@operamail.com. Thanks. | |
Argon |
Weekly Survey |
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Kefan |
The Doze Garden |
Why theaters sell those "Giant' sodas now... | |
@Action News Info |
Guidelines and Procedures for Submitting Articles |
Proofreading by Butterfluff |
Submitting a story or artwork for @Action News is easy! Just send it to newspaper@spindizzy.org or qmail or page @Action or sdnews about it. Thanks! Argon, Editor @Action News |