Special Edition - SpinDizzy 2010 Mayoral Election
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First Round of Voting Complete! Five Candidates Move On!
Welcome to the February 9th update on the Mayoral Campaign! Voting closed on February 7th,
and now we move on to the second and final round of voting, starting at 12:01am, February 10th. Since there was a tie
for fourth place, five candidates instead of the expected four with move on to this next round. Mayor Beltrami announced
the successful candidates on Monday 9th February in the following post to the board in the rose garden.
These are the results of the first round of
voting for the 2010 Mayoral position:
BunnyHugger 11
Bonney 10
Natasha 9
Gilead 7
Jaxen 7
Jimun 6
Kefan 5
Skully 4
Zeta 3
Garrison 1
Orolin 1
Proceeding to the second round of balloting
are the top five candidates owing to the tie for
fourth place. Voting will begin Wednesday among
these candidates. Ballot order will be assigned
by random draw among:
Congratulations to Bonney, BunnyHugger, Gilead, Jaxen, and Natasha for making it through to the next round, but also
congratulations must go to Garrison, Jimun, Kefan, Skully, Zeta, and Orolin for all running such an entertaining and
thought-provoking capaign!
For those who go through, they've all made additional platform statements. Please see the candidate profiles below
for details of the statements, which were all posted to the notice board in the rose garden.
February 9th, 2010.
Election Fever Visits SpinDizzy
Welcome to the special Election Edition of SpinDizzy news! The muck was thrown into a
frenzy on January 13th, when SpinDizzy's mayor, the esteemed Beltrami, announced that since she'd held the office of
mayor for more than two years, now, that she would be holding elections to choose a new mayor.
The campaign season kicked off on January 22nd, and finished up today, on Januray 31st. Voting starts tomorrow.
In this issue, we hope to give you a summary of the platforms and opinions of each of the candidates who have been
nominated, in order to allow you to make a more informed decision at this important time. We've gathered information
about the candidates both from their posted manifestoes, the mayoral debate, and also the information question and answer
sessions that several have graciously provided.
Although the initial list posted by Mayor Beltrami on January 22nd included a few unintentional omissions, the final
official list of candidates for the office was (in alphabetical order):
- Bonney
- BunnyHugger
- Dingo
- Garrison
- Gilead
- Jaxen
- Jimun
- Kefan
- Natasha
- Orolin
- Zeta
In addition, Morticon was nominated for the position, but declined the nomination, citing the fact that he felt that
his candidacy would be inappropriate since he was already a wizard.
Skully announced that she would be running as a write-in candidates on the ballot form. The editor was
unfortunately unable to find any platform statement from Jaxen, but he did give her a juice campaign apple, for which she
thanks him.
Mayor Beltrami announced on January 25th that there would be two rounds of voting to decide the new mayor. The top
four candidates with the most votes from the first round will move on to the second round. At the same time, Mayor
Beltrami said that there would be a debate among the candidates at the City Hall, starting at 7pm on 27th January. The
full recording of that debate can be found in the newspaper archives. Key points from
the debate can be found in each candidate's profile in this issue of the newspaper.
The campaign season finished on January 31st, and the initial round of voting started at 12:01, February 1st. This
will continue until midnight on February 7th, at which time the votes will be counted and the top four candidates will
move forward into the second round of voting, which is expected to last until midnight on February 14th.
February 1st, 2010.
News Sources
Vending Machine Explodes In Rose Garden. White Squirrel Candidate Withdrawn From Mayoral Race
The serenity of the Rose Garden was shattered around 4:30 AM this morning by
the detonation of a vending machine, NeoPolis police reported. One
bystander suffered a singed tail, but there were no serious injuries. The
blast was reportedly precipitated by an unidentified wah inserting a
foreign object, described only as 'the rustiest coins I could find' into a
slot labeled 'Emergency SCRAM injection. WARNING: Gadolinium nitrate
ONLY.' Eye witnesses had this to add:
"It was loud and scary, and hurt my ears!" said Mayoral Candidate and
Chiroptera Representative Jimun.
Robotic Citizen Kenko assured this reporter, "Well, I'm certainly not going to
explode like that! Pete's robots are of the highest quality! ... But
yikes! Maybe I should have some backups made of my data, just in case!"
"It burnt my tail! And the nice vending machine went away!" said distraught
red panda Darius.
"What explosion?" asked non-plussed winged lion space-fayrer, Casandro.
Although officials from SpinDizzy's Environment Room Protection Agency assured
citizens that although the explosion probably posed no serious health
threat, "I wouldn't just go playing around in the crater and its immediate
vicinity like it was a kiddy pool or something either, the way you folks
usually do" they told this reporter from inside a HAZMAT suit over the
persistent clicking of their geiger counters.
Police say that the dispenser, which reportedly droned '*bzzt-whirrrrrr*LA
MAQUINA ESTA DESCOMPUESTA. VIVA MORTIC--' just prior to its destruction,
was of an unknown manufacture but apparently designed to distributed
campaign paraphernalia and soft drinks and was registered to the 'Sitizens
for Efficient Democracy', a new political party. The party's license of
operation has been suspended pending the conclusion of an environmental
and legal inquiry, in all likelihood making their candidate, a white
squirrel described as 'Zeta-142125', ineligible for election next week.
Zeta had no comment to make regarding the explosion, the conclusion of her
campaign, or the fact that her party's office address is apparently just
an abandoned laundromat on the outskirts of NeoPolis, saying only that
they intend to cooperate with any inquiry as far as party secrecy allows
and that they were looking into settling matters with anyone at the site
of the explosion "especially Darius."
She then wordlessly brushed three Potassium Iodide tablets across the table to
this reporter with her tail, flashed two V signs from the doorway of a
black helicopter, and flew away.
Candidate summary
Zeta was the first candidate to publicly announce her candidacy, on January 17th, running
under the ticket of 'Sitizens for Efficient Democracy', although it wasn't until the day of the first mayoral debate that
she announce the platform on which she would run.
A Compendious Advocacy
compiled by
The Sitizens for Efficient Democracy
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous
to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the
lead in the introduction of a new order of things. But it is
temerity not timidness that our times demand, and with your
help, we can realize that new order:
Q: [Mina] For the first question: What are the most pressing concerns on SpinDizzy? How would you address them?
A: [Zeta] I must on this point echo the sentiments of my opponents: A balkanization of our interactive social networks
into largely disparate cliques. While a certain modicum of privacy is to be grudgingly accepted, we must encourage
participation in shared activities and employments. Unlike them, however, I can offer concrete proposals to facilitate
these solutions: Mandatory dress codes, occupational re-assignment, and reasonable surveillance measures to ensure
suitable expression of autonomy.
A: [Zeta] "One thing. Since no one has mentioned it yet: Tasteful utilization of the @pshout program is also
expedient. Furthermore, it is important to impart the understanding that events do not descend from on high, the
eventlist engraved on stone tablets brought down from Sinai. We must create an environment in which not only do citizens
feel secure in attending events--but in running their own. And advertising it amidst the eventlist and @pshout.
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [Zeta] I'm afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss my own accomplishments publicly," for a brief moment the
squirrel's eyes flick to Mina meaningfully, "but as far as unclassified activities are accounted, I remember fondly our
dedication and subsequent exploration of Squirrel City, and whatever small part I had in that.
Q: [Mina] It says this is a big question, and that you might have a lot to say: Why should people vote for you? What
does being Mayor mean to you?
A: [Zeta] The mayoral position is not one of self-aggrandizement, of being in the spotlight, but of bringing out and
encouraging the best in others. The previous holder, our gracious Beltrami, is perhaps the exemplification of this ideal:
Drawing out new things from others both figuratively and", the squirrel eyes the operator palette, "literally. All whilst
not speaking a word herself. It is an example I promise to live up to. People should vote for me due to my experience in
quietly emboldening others. I promise to draw out your true potentials--kicking and screaming if necessary.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Zeta] An excellent question. The majority of our activities seem to be temporally clustered around this time slot.
Rather than promise to indulge in the massive consumption of caffeine to commit myself to multiple time slots in a way
which is commendable but probably untenable, perhaps the most effective solution is to run many of our events *twice*,
organizing things with a representative of our otherly timely kin to be in charge of the complimentary event. Attending
both would of course be laudable, but deputizing one of their own in this regard also facilitates a greater sense of
participation and ownership amongst the common citizenry over the events. As such, I would ask someone from the time
zones in question to take a lead in this regardless of whether or not I myself can attend. Although populations in this,
forgive the arguably pejorative formulation, 'off hours' may be low now, I believe that by empowering them, we will see
it grow.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [Zeta] A sad subject. Someone has to take up the reins of the old gray mare. Better it were someone fully dedicated
to the role, but if no one suitable can be found, perhaps it will have to fall to our Mayor. A column would be fitting in
any case. The paper is strongest when it imparts a sense of belonging to the constituents, and everyone likes to see
their name in print. As such, I would use my column to extoll the accomplishments of Zeta's Sitizen Of The Week...as an
example to other, potentially less loyal residents.
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Zeta] Judging, handing out medals, and the design events. For example, I have one in mind where athletes ski to a
secure location, use a rifle for a silent takedown, and must escape unnoticed. Should desperate times require it, my
coloration also would make me suitable in a mascot capacity.
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [Zeta] Most people who arrived here arrived here through a friend. That's what growing 'naturally' means. We should
not set out open advertisements or the like. Instead we should encourage our citizens to invite their friends if they
think they might be interested. Events such as the Olympics are a suitable excuse. If this fails, however, we are
prepared once in office to resort to less conventional population sustaining measures. Cloning and mandatory breeding
programs, for example.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Zeta] Tree retirement. Though not for any failings of our participants, who were enthusiastic and excellent
sports. Lots of little lessons but the overarching ones, I think, are a less formal and perhaps intimidating build-up. I
must disagree with my opponent's formulation, I think: It was not due to a lack of awareness that so few attended, as it
had been advertised heavily. Rather, perhaps, we should have presented it as something more casual. It was a stark
demonstration, perhaps, of how events must be portrayed as light and casual. Once they show up, of course, we can then
subject them to whatever we wish.
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Zeta] The 'deputy mayor', probably determined by the runner-up of the election will be suitable for replacing in
most events. A 'vice mayor' could be useful, however, for participation in those vices for which I am unsuitable. But
overall, I agree: A plethora of positions doesn't foster a sense of inclusiveness, but of cliquishness and exclusivity. ...
Which is why minion uniforms and numerical designations are much more egalitarian.
Q: [Gilead] But what if BunnyHugger won and Zeta came in second and became Deputy Mayor? Her and Chitter would probably
wreck the place fighting.
A: [Zeta] I can answer that one, BunnyHugger. Obviously, due to certain... incompatible proclivities, I do not always
see eye to eye with certain members of BunnyHugger's proposed staff. However, the point is moot: To ensure the stable
transition of governance, the Deputy Mayor and Mayor would maintain separate residencies and offices at most times. This
way, should some unforeseen and fatal disaster befall our illustrious leader, power would transfer smoothly and
efficiently to me.
A: [BunnyHugger] I would like to suggest that Zeta consult the book on morals that I gave her more closely if she is
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Zeta] The door knobs of City Hall. (It was pointed out that City Hall does not actually have doorknobs, with its
bubble design...) In that case... I would anticipate certain anti-social vigilantes to pose a trifling obstacle, however
piddling, to my endeavors enacting progressive policies for the betterment of the planetoid. But these annoyances would
be ephemeral at worst.
Asked for any last comments, Zeta replied, "No one has promised to do anything as mayor tonight that they can't do as
a common citizen, really. But giving people the chance to be mayor, more often, makes others stop and think about doing
the same.
"Again, I think the mayor promising to personally attend more during the off-hours, as rewarding as watching Gilead
fulfill his would be, is suboptimal juxtaposed with assisting a representative of the 'disenfranchised timeframe' in
running complimentary events. Especially as it is easier to sustain and less likely to come from a 'stranger'.
"Ideally not all events can come from the office of the mayor. The mayor cannot run all events just as they cannot be
active at all times. As important as running events is, in the long term, enabling others to run them is our greater
task. The Sitizens for Efficient Democracy have a saying: Make a man a fire, and he's warm for the night. Set a man on
fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life. Vote for me, and we will ensure a warm future for the rest of your lives.
Thank you. You will also note that I have indicated as a campaign promise that I will not seek re-election. After only
one year in office, I'm confident that further elections will be rendered unnecessary."
Sadly, due to an unfortunate event that took place in the early morning of Sunday (see this issue of @Action News),
Zeta was forced to retire from the mayoral race due to an ongoing investigation by the Environmnent Room Protection Agency.
Her name will not, therefore, appear on the ballot, but may still be entered as a write-in in the appropriate place.
Despite having been withdrawn from the official ballot, Zeta still managed to gain 3 write-in votes in the first round
of the election.
Candidate profile
Bonney's public announcement of her candidacy for the mayoral position occurred several days
after that of Zeta's, on 22nd January, by claiming that she would run SpinDizzy "like th' finest ship in th' fleet".
Bonney was present at the mayoral debate on 27th January, hosted by Mina, and answered several of the questions from there.
Q: [Mina] For the first question: What are the most pressing concerns on SpinDizzy? How would you address them?
A: [Bonney] Th' most pressin' concern be th' lack 'o' pirates, boaties, an' shineys. Elect me, an' I'll fix alla that!
I'll assemble th' finest group 'o' scalliwags, an' make all th' docks give birth tae plenty 'o' ships," she muses and
huhs, "We mayhaps will 'ave tae arty-ficially knock up th' docks, but, ye know, we'll solve tha' problem when we gets
there. Aye, an' shineys! Methinks we shoul' raid other MUCKs fer their shineys! R'cruitin' pirates be th' 'ardest part,
but, I dunnae. Mayhaps we makes press gangs, 'n' shanghai us some r'cruits t'go raid other MUCKs 'n' loot their shineys.
An' cute fellers, tae, na' jus' shineys. An' I s'pose cute lasses, tae, iffin' we must. We needs them, aye, cause who
else is gonnae dance w'yer shineys?
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [Bonney] I be th' winner 'o' not one but tae Festival 'o' Cuteness awards. Both fer Cutest P'formance!" She grins
cheerfully. "Also's, I ... uh... live inna light 'ouse, tha' be ri' awesome iffin' ye asks me!
Q: [Mina] It says this is a big question, and that you might have a lot to say: Why should people vote for you? What
does being Mayor mean to you?
A: [Bonney] Iffin' ye dunnae votes fer me, I'm gonnae 'ave t'steal yer shineys insteada gettin' 'em elsewheres! An'
yer cute fellers tae! 'side from that, bein' mayor means makin' this th' most ship-shape place in th' 'tire world! Aye,
run it likes a good ship 'n' makin' things good fer me crew!
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Bonney] I be available lots. I'd come on more, an' be able tae spent lotta time 'ere t'meet as many folks as
possibl. Mayhaps there kin be mo' get t'gethers at varied times udder 'n' 7 PM PST. 'specially mornin' stuff, ain't much
goin' on 'ere in th' mornin's.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [Bonney] I dunnae, th' paper be a wee bit outdated. Methinks th' crew 'o' th' MUCK shoul' take it tae a vote, an'
iffin' a m'jority wants it, I be 'appy t'help modernize 'n' put it back t'gether again. I'd be makin' it easier
t'contribute tae, 'n' indeed I t'would contribute m'self when I 'ad somethin' t' say!
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Bonney] I'd use 'em t'analyze th' st'gic capabilities 'o' other MUCKs 'o' course! By seein' their best 'n'
brightest, I kin best judgee th' easiest set 'o' shineys t'get. Mayhaps even rob 'em whilst they're busy playin' the
games." She snickers, "An' give th' winners chocolate shinies what I dunnae even wants anyhoo.
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [Bonney] Sure! WE coul' always use mo' crew! In fact, we kin press-gang 'em from other places, aye, whilst we be
takin' their shineys.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Bonney] I dunnae... methinks some 'o' th' activties... well, methinks some 'o' th' pop'lace cou' do w'some
loosenin' up. Methinks all events shoul' 'ave plenty 'o' rum served t'elp with that.
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Bonney] I dunnae, d'pends. On 'ow big 'o' apirate crew we gets. I mayhaps need some mateys t'help out, aye, 'elp
run th' show. Bu' iffin' the crew stays small, methinks we only needs one cap'n.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Bonney] Obv'iously I be born tae lead. I be a fine cap'n' w'many years 'o' 'xperience 'n' smarts 'n' such. All
taty-cal an' fine in all matters both mil'tary 'n' judicial-like.
Asked how she'd sum up why people should vote for her, Bonny replied, "Vote fer me, an' I'll 'elp ye
get mo' shineys! And cute fellers 'o' cute ladies, d'pendin' on yer preddy-lections. P'rates always
op'rate on a vote. Iffin' somebody votes me as nae worthy, I kin be r'placed at any time. P'rates do true d'm'cracy!"
At close of first round voting, Bonney had accummulated 10 votes, which put her in second position out of the eleven
candidates, and moved her through to the second and final round. The following is a transcript of the TV ad that she
presented at the start of the second round:
(A flag with a crude drawing of Spindizzy on it flaps on one side of the
screen, a pirate flag with a skull and sabre on it flutters on the other
Leadership. Integrity -- in the form of admitting a lack of integrity.
A really awesome hair-do. Candidate Bonney has all these attributes and
(Cuts to a scene of Bonney trying to sail a bath tub, and bailing water
out of it, before it finally starts to float and she throws her arms up
She'll surmount any odds and any obstical. Ready to tackle the hard issues,
such as the chronic lack of shinies on Spindizzy, as a pirate captain
Bonney has the experienced leadership required to make sure everything is
(Cuts to a scene of Bonney throwing chocolate coins out to a crowd of people
who hold their arms up and eagerly catch them)
Bonney offers real solutions to everyday problems. And remember, pirates
are pioneers of democracy; everybody gets an equal share. Except for the
captain, who gets two shares. Let's show the other MUCKs that we're not
afraid to elect a pirate mayor. Let's show the world just how ridiculously
awesome we are.
(Cuts to a scene of Bonney holding her sword up and out in a dashing fashion)
Elect Bonney for Mayor. Or else!
Candidate profile
Skully announced her candidacy for the mayoral election shortly after official nominations
closed, and thus stated that she will be a write-in candidacy. The statement posted to the board in the Rose Garden read
as follows:
I, Skully, hereby announce my unofficial candidacy for mayor as a write-in
candidate. I will be running on a platform that includes the following:
-Death to high taxes.
-Death to illiteracy.
-Death to poverty.
-Death to the liv...Oh wait, I need their votes, nevermind
A brain in every pan, a coffin in every garage!
The mayoral debate on 27th January, hosted by Mina, was attended by Skully. Here are the answers that she gave to
Mina's questions.
Q: [Mina] For the first question: What are the most pressing concerns on SpinDizzy? How would you address them?
A: [Skully] ... The population has become increasingly relaxed and sedentary. Fewer and fewer of the living get scared
out of their skins. They need more activity to either start up or stop their hearts or various other blood-pumping
organs. (At this point, Skully jumped out of her skin, literally, before throwing her headback and emitting deep,
echo-y laughter that resounded throughout the locale.) Chasing people out of their homes and private rooms while shrieking,
herding them to the slau...I mean, public places would work.
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [Skully] I'm not one to feel much in the way of pride. Though I suppose if I did... Probably setting a nearly
positive role model for the mortality-liberated.
Q: [Mina] It says this is a big question, and that you might have a lot to say: Why should people vote for you? What
does being Mayor mean to you?
A: [Skully] People should vote for me because I'm not one of these slick, insider 'living' candidates. I'm so
underground, I was buried a couple times. As for what being a mayor means, I have seen many mayors in the past. Mayors
who direct pitchfork-wielding mobs, frightened, teeming masses banded together to destroy monsters like me. They had it
all wrong. By bringing flesh-devouring monsters into society, they could have strengthened the ties that bind and also
culled the weaker and slower from their society. Likewise, I wish to strengthen society by drawing the horrors of the
night and darkness into society, perhaps with slightly less culling. I can't guarantee this, however.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Skully] Being active at various times during the day, combined with liberal use of methods such as bulletin boards
and mail question-and-answer sessions. And possibly physical threats.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [Skully] Such a column should naturally outline one's plans for the near future, regarding town halls, holidays,
and other meetings of note. It should also give room for answers to mailed-in questions.
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Skully] Negotiating TV rights with the various channels. I would also ensure through cautious negotiating that we
get the next winter olympics here as well.
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [Skully] Caution should be used in any case. While growing the population will help with some issues, we should be
careful not to draw in too many undesirables. Perhaps an 'import-a-friend' drive of some sort, with modest rewards for
those who recruit friends in the form of some notation in the newspaper or upon a monument. ... I find cloning and
breeding measures offensive as a way to grow the population. These heavily favor the living.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Skully] I can't think of any specifics. However, it does seem the attendance at events varies wildly. It may be an
issue of timing, or perhaps proper advertising - though I do believe there was plenty of the latter in-MUCK for the tree
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Skully] Civil defense commander; sheriff; chief of staff - someone has to secretly control the government's inner
workings while the mayor serves as a mouthpiece; press secretary - someone willing to publish all the crap the mayor says
and take questions when they're not there. ... We don't need an endless list of czars.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Skully] Being a decayed zombie, leadership skills and charisma never came naturally to me. They are things I'm
still working on.
Asked for any last comments, Skully said, "It's time for Spindizzy to open itself up more to the mortality-liberated.
We don't want to drive down your property values, we don't want to replace all your buildings with crubling gothic
architecture and haunted mansions, we don't want to ban your religions. All we want are your brains. As the first
mortality-liberated mayor in a plush skin, I would pledge to serve as an example of the living, post-living, and animated
objects coming together, with equality, fraternity, and succulent brains. I cannot promise I will make dreams come true.
I cannot promise you will end my term happier than you are now. What I can promise is change."
Despite a most entertaining campaign, Skully unfortunately did not make it out of the first round of voting, although
she managed to amass a most creditable four votes, short of the seven needed.
Candidate profile
Natasha Nelson's first announcement of the platform on which she was running took place on
Januray 23rd, early in the morning, at which time a large poster appeared in the Rose Garden.
is pleased to announce
for the office of
The LT&MM party is a new (only a day or two old) political party
headquartered in the Cartoon Jungle (map coordinates N6 E0). Its
platform includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- LANGUAGE STANDARDS: We shall show a proper respect for wordplay, puns,
and other species of verbal gymnastics.
- THE MENTALLY IMPAIRED: We shall show a proper respect for those driven
insane by wordplay, puns, and other species of verbal gymnastics.
- UPWARD MOBILITY: We shall demonstrate appreciation of the arboreal and
flying populations.
- PUBLIC NEATNESS AND CLEANLINESS: We shall use 'sweep' when sleeping
characters are piling up.
- HEALTH AND FITNESS: We shall encourage development of the populace's
abilities in slapstick and sight gags.
- MORE OPENNESS TOWARD PUBLIC BEHAVIOR: We shall only use 'ooc' when
there's actual in-character activity/conversation to be out of, unless
the person(s) in charge of an event or activity request otherwise.
- THE ARTS: We shall acknowledge that Spindizzy's populace is the alpha
and the omega of its very existence, and therefore encourage fearless
participation in whatever events or activities arise.
These are our principles. If you don't like them, we have others.
Natasha took an active part in the mayoral debate on 27th January, hosted by Mina.
Q: [Mina] For the first question: What are the most pressing concerns on SpinDizzy? How would you address them?
A: [Natasha] I'd say the biggest difficulty is getting people to open up and get involved in things, take risks with
themselves. If folks put aside their inhibitions and make earnest attempts to join in on events or scenes, they can often
surprise themselves. ... There's a valiant band of folks who are reliable for joining in on any kind of thing going on,
but there're also ones
who feel hesitant because they're afraid of making fools of themselves...or saying something stupid...or being
ostracised...or getting mocked on Something Awful or some such thing. Really what we need to do is rack people's brains
for what they'd be interested in, and encourage them if they're feeling uncertain. Heck, I've had to do that with some of
the other candidates, even."
A: [Zeta] (looking at Natasha coolly) Indeed. It seems superfluous to worry about being mocked on Something Awful, Natasha, when there's a much more immediate risk of being mocked by their colleagues here.
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [Natasha] I'd say the whole streak from voodoo cookie to singing curse to rhyming to (finally!) being cured is
something to be proud of, since it was largely improvised and drew in quite a few people who wanted to join in just for
Q: [Mina] It says this is a big question, and that you might have a lot to say: Why should people vote for you? What
does being Mayor mean to you?
A: [Natasha] Let's see. I feel that as mayor I could show my support in a public way for the kind of creative,
surreal, absurd, imaginative play that I'd like to see. That's not the same as saying it's the only kind of play there
should be, but I hope I can give encouragement here and there as it's needed. I don't have the same kind of 'oh noes,
the sky is falling' feeling that a few people seem to ...
A: [Natasha] I do get bored with people sitting around and cuddling, hugging, snuggling, etc. Even when they're
cuddling me. =>- I mean, staying in your safety zone is nice and fun, but really, we're all intelligent, literate
people; we're in an environment where nearly anything goes, giving us practically a mental link from those typing to
those reading. We're capable of better. We can do better. I wouldn't say 'must', but we can.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Natasha] Obviously, page-mail is available...likewise, the spindizzy_muck LJ...I can also contact people via
e-mail if need be.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [Natasha] As a matter of fact I've been speaking with some wizards and some interested parties about possibly
relaunching Spindizzy News. Can't give any details yet, but I've been looking at possibilities.
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Natasha] Well, I'm not certain about sports I could participate in...maybe once there's more of a schedule set up.
Of course, setting up a schedule requires some critical mass of people showing interest, and therein lies the rub, eh?
A: [Natasha] Well, as well as the Spindizzy News, I've also been in discussions about what to do to modernize the
Spindizzy web site to appeal to potential new players. Right now it's decidedly outdated, not very attractive, and not
very welcoming. Just getting people to use telnet or a MU* client is exotic enough nowadays, we might have to consider
leading people around by the nose (so to speak) to explain just what sets this game apart from others on the web, like
MMORPGs, or Second Life, or general.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Natasha] The tree transportation seems to be on most people's minds, alas. As for me, ah...I missed Twelfth Night
and Argon's memorial entirely, tsk.
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Natasha] It would be nice to have a substitute appear for events I can't show up to personally, but I think I'd
rather appoint people on a case-by-case basis, if they're particularly enthusiastic or knowledgeable about a given topic.
I think 'deputy mayor' or 'vice mayor' or whatever is a tad too general to be a persistent position.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Natasha] Diplomacy. It's far too easy to call someone out for doing something bad or stupid. Not so easy to
encourage and nudge one into doing better and smarter.
In summary, Natasha said, "Remember, a vote for Natasha is a vote for someone who refers to herself in third person. Also for looniness, although I'll be glad to give consideration to battiness, nuttiness, and loopiness."
On the evening of Saturday 30th January, Natasha held her own Questions and Answers session, open to the public. A
full recording of the event can be found in the newspaper archives, but below is a summary
of Natasha's opening statement, before the meeting was opened up to the floor for questions.
Good evening, everybody! It's great to see you! I have to admit I'm impressed to see such a crowd here, and on such
short notice, too.
Anyway...those of you who know me might know my, um, reputation for being sarcastic...critical...even grouchy...
I know, I'm far from perfect. And I don't expect perfection from others. But I do think that there's
always room for improvement. Spindizzy's had its ups and downs since the far-away days of 1998 and I think there's still
quite a lot of life left in it.
"Once upon a time I was a chatty kinda layabout waste of electrons who never did much of note.
Around 2004 I went on a sabbatical, trying different MUCKs here and there and everywhere...eventually,
in August of 2006 I came back, feeling refreshed and renewed, and I like to think that in the three and a half years or
so since then I've shown a decent amount of improvement in getting along with people and getting involved with things.
"And that's why I'm running for mayor, because there are some ways that I hope the MUCK and community
can be improved on and I'd like to help make 'em happen.
One of these is enthusiasm on the players' parts. Some players are shy...rarely say much more than
'Hi' and 'Bye'...rarely venture out of their bedrooms or apartments or the magical faraway lands of Private Room and
Wants Privacy.
"The thing is...we're all in the same boat, here. We're all doing the same thing and taking the same risks. You gotta take risks to achieve anything.
Since this is a social MUD with no global combat system, you can't really be 'hurt' unless you
role-play it.
And if you're worried about being mocked by one of those 'atrocity tourism' sites like Something Awful,
or the Portal of Evil, or whatever...well! Negative reviews is just one of those risks of having an audience.
What people somewhere else say about you doesn't change anything about who or what you are here. In
fact, if SA somehow did find out about here, I'd welcome a goon rush as long as they vote for me. ;>-
"You gotta be willing to put up with criticism. Some people seem to treat every critique like a
personal attack, when it's not so. You have to be aware of yourself, what impression you make on others.
You gotta be aware of what faults you have -- I know I've got plenty -- but more importantly, you
gotta be willing to improve.
And if you must have uncritical acceptance, well, there's always Deviant Art.
"The flipside of this is that you have to work on how you give criticism too. If someone doesn't want
a critique, well! That's their problem, not yours. And if someone reacts especially badly, it might be best to back
off for a while and let them cool down.
"And I'd also like to see folks push the envelope. Spindizzy's a pretty open-ended environment;
anything is possible (though if you read the AUP you'll see it's not true that nothing is forbidden).
Epic space battles, flights of fantasy, comedy and drama and tragedy, light-hearted romance and
hard-bitten adventure are all possible within Quodlibet's grid. If you can type words and actions, you can make them
Unlike Second Life, you don't need an up-to-date graphics card to play on Spindizzy. And unlike D&D,
you don't need to fill out character sheets or memorize lots of tricky rules or roll dice. You just need skill and
Skill being typing skill, the skill to think on your feet and react appropriately for a scene and the
characters involved.
Will being willingness to stick your neck out, take risks, try new things and experiment.
"The Spindizzy environment itself is basically just a backdrop that you can accept or ignore at will.
It's the players who keep the MUCK going.
"About now you're probably thinking 'Hurry it up will ya!' Sorry, I'm going long.
You're probably also thinking 'This is a very nice lecture and all, uplifting and inspiring and stuff,
but what do YOU intend to do about it, Ms Smarty-Pants?'
"Well, if elected I would like to work on encouraging people to open up. If someone's being quiet, a
few 'Hi!' and 'How are you?' and 'What've you been up to?' can't hurt.
I'm willing to keep trying if someone keeps giving blunt uninformative answers like 'I'm okay.' or
'Nothin'.' Of course there's a line between nudging and annoying that I'd have to be sure not to cross.
The goal here isn't RP as such, though I've been harping on role-playing; it's just to get people
comfortable with talking and interacting with others.
"Another thing I'd like to try to do is nudge people who are behaving poorly into better behavior. I
find that carrots -- compliments, encouragement, suggestions -- work better than sticks -- complaining, quoting rules,
doing the Mary Worth thing and going 'IT'S WRONG!' Plus of course I wouldn't be in any position to enforce the rules
"I feel that the mayor is a representative of the MUCK population. I've been babbling about what
Spindizzy means to me. If elected, I'd like to know what Spindizzy means to you.
And of course the mayor is not a wizard, an admin, or even a helpstaffer. There's no real power in
the position. I see it as more like the GOP's dreaded bogeyman, the Community Organizer. =>-
"And I'd want to lead by example, too, and get people thinking and talking and doing, breaking the cycle
of hug-cuddle-snuggle-repeat."
I'd wish to participate in scenes and events and such when I can, and be a kind of sounding board for
any kind of ideas and brainstorming and suggestions people have."
The results of the first round of election, posted by Beltrami on Monday 8th February, put Natasha in third place with
9 votes, giving her enough to make it through to the next round. She released a statement Tuesday afternoon giving her
Let's Do It!
I'd like to touch on some topics as we roll into the final round of
mayoral voting. First, thanks for all the support you've shown so far
-- not just votes, but encouragement and compliments. It's really
elating and gratifying and makes me feel excited for Spindizzy's future.
You're great. Give yourself a pat on your back!
By this time in the mayoral election, you may be feeling a little
worn out. You may be feeling that it's dragged on quite long enough.
You may be thinking, "I voted already. Can't I just sit this out?" You
may feel the results are a foregone conclusion and there's no point in
bothering. You may be disappointed that your preferred candidate didn't
make it into the top four (er, five). You may be wishing it would just
end already!
But don't despair yet. There's just one more week to go! If you
can make it to the voting booth just once between now and the 15th of
February (the day after St. Valentine's Day), you can make sure your
vote counts. And make no mistake, your vote DOES count. Take another
look at the vote counts for the finalists in the first round:
BunnyHugger 11
Bonney 10
Natasha 9
Gilead 7
Jaxen 7
As you can see, the top position had just two more votes than me,
and I had just two more votes than either of the two tying for fourth
place. That's a pretty tight race! And with the field narrowed down,
it's likely to get even tighter. Every single vote matters, which is
why I'm writing this.
You've read bulletin board and LJ posts, you've been to the debate,
you've listened to speeches, you've plied candidates with questions,
you've read @Action News's rundown of the candidates' platforms
(http://spindizzynews.org/mayoralrace2010/ -- thanks Findra). If you're
thinking of voting, don't hesitate -- DO IT!
I've been hammering home a lot of different points during my
campaign, but I think this one is the big one, the most important
thing. When an opportunity presents itself to you, DO IT!
Don't think, "It might be fun if I..." -- DO IT!
Don't say, "Wouldn't it be neat if somebody would..." -- DO IT!
Don't wonder, "Maybe I should try..." -- DO IT!
Don't suggest, "You know, I could..." -- DO IT!
Take that chance when you get it, 'cause you might not get it
again. That's something to remember no matter which candidate wins.
And really, which candidate *do* you think should win?
Think about when you've had to ask how to get somewhere or how
something works. Which candidate seems most likely to listen to you and
help you out?
Think back to the debate. Which candidate seems most likely to
deal with criticism, even insults, without blowing their top or taking
it personally?
Think of when you've been casually chatting about movies or music
or TV shows or whatever interests you have. Which candidate shows the
most interest in other people's thoughts and opinions?
Think about how the MUCK, the world, and yourself have changed over
time. Which candidate best deals with change, new situations, the
occasional unfortunate event?
Think of times when the candidates have been around in public and
not specifically campaigning. Which candidate is the most fun to be
around, whether you're an especially close friend of theirs or not?
Think of the times you've had an idea for something and wanted help
to make it happen. Which candidate shows the most enthusiasm for new
things and ideas that come their way?
And finally, think about all the fun and friendship you've had on
this MUCK. Which candidate do you think represents Spindizzy in the
most positive light?
Think about these questions, then enter 'vote' and follow the
prompts. Don't hesitate -- DO IT!
Candidate profile
BunnyHugger's official campaign began on 24th Januray when she posted a long description of
the aims of her candidacy to the the board in the park.
Dear SpinDizzy Citizens,
I am pleased to offer my candidacy for Mayor. I am writing to let you know my
qualifications and my plan for the mayorship. My campaign is based on
three main ideas: morality, conviviality, and experience.
I am a philosopher, with a specialization in ethics. Prior to arriving at the
world of SpinDizzy, I founded an academy for squirrels, and taught ethics
and other philosophical subjects there for several years. I am a bunny of
high moral standards, with a strong sense of personal ethics.
The term "morality," for some, has connotations of intrusion and control. I
assure you that this is not the case with me. To the contrary, I believe
that autonomy is of the highest value, and it is a moral obligation to
respect it. However, I will provide expert ethical advice for citizens
who request it.
I will be vigilant against evildoers who seek to bring harm to citizens or
infringe on their autonomy. I am personally acquainted with the
superheroes known as MoralBunny and EthicsBoy, and can promise that they
will answer my call in an emergency. They may also be able to enlist the
aid of other local heroes.
Among the accomplishments of Mayor Beltrami's administration is the
establishment of the official SpinDizzy holidays. I have long been an
enthusiastic supporter of the holidays and will continue their observance
with planned events. I will also continue to hold other events. My
previous events include a Valentine's Day party, a Halloween costume
party, and a Twelfth Night party (complete with wassailing the neighbor's
cherry trees). A multi-weekend Winter Olympics is also in the planning
I am a frequent sight in the Rose Garden and other public places, as I visit
nearly every day for several hours. I hope to follow Mayor Beltrami's
example of being a lively and friendly presence and encouraging
I am an experienced candidate, as I have served as Lord Mayor of FurToonia for
over a year, and have acted concurrently as the FurToonian Ambassador to
SpinDizzy. As previously mentioned, I have run several events on
SpinDizzy. I also created and maintain the SpinDizzy calendars (one for
events and one for birthdays) on Google Calendars. Please note that in
order to devote my full attention to my duties on SpinDizzy, I will be
resigning as Lord Mayor of FurToonia if I am elected here.
I will be addressing questions and concerns from voters at the upcoming debate
and town hall meeting. I will also be happy to answer questions at any
other time, so please feel free to address them to me in person or by mail.
Thank you for reading and for considering my candidacy.
BunnyHugger was one of the candidates who attended the Mayoral Debate on 27th January, hosted by Mina.
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [BunnyHugger] There are a few things I am rather proud of, but I think the best was my Twelfth Night party. It was,
I thought, a lot of fun, and it went beyond just 'hanging out but someplace besides the Rose Garden,' because I planned
specific -- and traditional -- activities for it, like the selection of a King and Queen and wassailing the fruit trees.
I think it had a lot going for it and helped me understand what makes for a good event.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [BunnyHugger] In the past I used to connect during my afternoon more, but I have fallen out of that habit. If
elected I would try to make sure to connect earlier in the day at times, to help meet others. I am also often around so
very late at 'my' night that I start lapping the next shift. So I think I should be able to visit enough different times
to make myself known to people.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [BunnyHugger] I believe that the newspaper issue should be tabled until after the election, at which time those
interested in becoming editor should come forward and explain their interest. (I think that the community only really
needs to be faced with one chaotic issue at a time, is all.) I also would happily write a column, and in fact intend to
contribute regularly regardless of whether I were Mayor. I enjoy writing about events I have been involved in, and I
involve myself in events as often as possible.
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [BunnyHugger] I have started trying to work on the Olympics by advertising it on the other worlds that I exist in.
I have not finalized a schedule as I had heard there might be a town hall meeting soon, and thought perhaps I should wait
for input from that, however, I might post a tentative schedule soon. I would love for others to help by advertising on
other worlds they may belong to, and bringing over friends.
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [BunnyHugger] I think that we have had many new people in the time I've been here who have contributed a lot, and
some of whom are regulars now. I have myself been responsible for at least a couple of people coming here, as no doubt
have others. My feeling is that the best way to grow the population -- or at least replace those who have sadly drifted
away -- is for people to directly invite those that they think would be a good fit for our culture. The Winter Olympics,
if successful as a cross-MUCK event, could also bring in a few people. But I'm not sure we need to grow the population
considerably, as it seems stable right now. I enjoy welcoming new people and would continue doing so as Mayor -- but
then, as with many things, I confess I will continue doing so regardless.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [BunnyHugger] Well, the Christmas tree transportation event was very badly attended. I don't know that I can say
much bad about it, as I enjoyed it, but that was, I think its organizers would agree, less than optimal. And I think my
answer would be that it probably should not have been run during FC. However, I understand that there were reasons for
this that were beyond the organizers' control. A more helpful suggestion is that I think it could have been publicized on
the MUCK's Livejournal -- as far as I can remember, it wasn't. I might also suggest to myself that I should publicize the
events calendar that I maintain more, because that has helped me keep track of events better myself. I can have it email
me 12 hours (or whatever) before events so I don't forget them.
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [BunnyHugger] I think we may not really need any more positions. With two members of the Mayor's Office, that
should cover planning holiday events and such. It's fun to give oneself ceremonial positions -- I should know -- and I
wouldn't be opposed to the Mayor getting to name cabinet members. However, I don't think there are any that are really
*needed* -- it would just be for fun. I believe a Mayor and a Deputy Mayor, as we had before Portia left, would suffice.
I do intend to make Chitter my top aide, of course.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [BunnyHugger] Honestly, for me, it will probably be making sure I spend time elsewhere. I already love being here
so much that I spend a great deal of time here. But, I do have obligations to the squirrels that I instruct that require
I spend at least some time away. Making sure I still fulfill those obligations despite my enthusiasm for being Mayor will
require discipline.
Since she'd been unable to attend some of the first mayoral debate, on 28th January BunnyHugger held a
Question and Answer Meeting in the City Hall, with all invited to attend. A full recording of the meeting can be heard
in the newspaper archives, but some of the major questions are reported below.
In her opening address, BunnyHugger covered some of the reasons that she decided to run for mayor:
"People of SpinDizzy. I arrived on this world during a period of great personal turmoil. I had suffered a loss that I truly
believed would destroy me, and I sought refuge in a place where I knew I had friends. By and by, I struggled through, and
put myself back together.
"During my recovery, I decided to adopt a personal motto: 'Spero meliora; resurgam cineribus,' which
means 'I hope for better things; I will rise from the ashes.' You may have seen that inscribed on the statue in Meliora
Park. It is derived from the motto of the City of Detroit: 'Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus' -- 'We hope for better
things; it will rise from the ashes.'
"It struck me, as I was building Meliora Park, that Detroit's motto is a very fitting one for
SpinDizzy. As Detroit was essentially destroyed in a fire in 1805 and had to rebuild from scratch, so SpinDizzy arose
from the ashes of TF&F, and thrived. But 'speramus meliora' remains true. We can always continue hoping for better
things, and striving for improvement.
"As for me, I too have found better things, even while I hope for still better. And I am grateful for
the role SpinDizzy played in my journey: it has been my refuge and comfort. I am deeply indebted to this community, and
that is why I want to be your Mayor."
Several questions followed from the floor, beginning with Fuzzy:
Q: [Fuzzy] If you were on Gilligan's Island, with the rest of the castaways, which do you eat last, and why?
A: Fuzzy, Gilligan's Island is not exactly a Dudley and Stephens situation. There appears to be ample food. I would
argue that we needn't eat anyone.
Q: [Zeta] Follow-up to that: How can we trust you to make the difficult choices in a hypothetical cannibalistic scenario
of an entire planetoid if you're incapable or unwilling to make them even within the context of a small island?
A: I tend to agree with those ethicists who hold that lifeboat ethics cases are not very informative in thinking
about most ethical situations. And I suspect if it did in fact come to that, who the Mayor decided to eat would not make
a great deal of difference ... Not that I would eat anyone.
At this point, Zeta, another mayoral candidate, offered her condolences to Chitter.
Q: [Morticon] It's no secret I'm big on RP, whether it's public, private, or somewhere in between. Would
you do anything to promote RP and other IC-ness?
A: I think the best way to promote IC-ness is to interact with people in an IC sort of way. That encourages casual RP,
which is the kind I'm best at. I find that if I start, well, interacting with people, and also saying things that are
rather bizarre (since my IC history is rather bizarre), it sometimes stirs even less RP-oriented people to respond in
kind. However, it's impossible to make people behave IC if they're just not inclined to do so, nor make them
engage in RP if they're very opposed to it. The best you can do is gently encourage and provide opportunities.
After some technical back-and-forth between the candidate and Fuzzy on the subject of BunnyHugger's support of
squirrels against devilbunnies, there was an implication from Zeta that BunnyHugger had chosen a squirrel as her 'top
aide' due to their "efficacy as squirrel minions." BunnyHugger replied that indeed "A vote for me is also a vote for
Chitter." Some other attendees suggested that this might be an attempt to subvert the voting process, but unfortunately,
time for the Q&A session ran out at that point.
The results of the first round of voting showed BunnyHugger with 11 votes, in first place, putting her through to the
last round of voting. She posted a statement to the rose garden board shortly after the results were given.
BunnyHugger: A Great First Choice, a Great Second Choice
I would like to extend heartfelt thanks to those who supported me in the first
round of voting. I'm so happy you believed, as I do, that I will be able
to be a good mayor for SpinDizzy.
I would also like to encourage those whose candidacy did not make it to the
final round of voting to consider the qualities they valued most in their
first choice candidates. I believe that I combine many of the best
features of other candidates: the kindness of Jimun, the friendliness of
Kefan, the eagerness to please of Orolin, and the sense of fun of Skully
and Garrison. I also believe that, although I have obvious severe
philosophical differences with Zeta, I share some of her seriousness and
cleverness, and her tendency to treat SpinDizzy as a real place that
I am confident that those who voted for me in the first round will continue to
support me, and I hope that those who did not will be able to recognize me
as a strong second choice. Thank you.
Candidate profile
Greetings, fellow citizens, denizens, and many other thing ending in 'zens'
I'm sure.
I am pleased to announce that I am running for mayor, I am still pretty new to
SpinDizzy, but I believe I could make people's experiences more enjoyable.
How? I'll tell you.
My Plan
I wish to improve and enrich the quality of all our lives, with fun, regularly
scheduled events. I notice that while there are a few events happening
every now and again, I believe we could do with some more. All I can
promise is that, if I am elected to the position of mayor, I will do my
best to make this an even more fun place for all.
@Action News was unfortunately unable to obtain any other information about the details of Orolin's candidacy. When
the voting results were announced by Mayor Beltrami, Orolin had not made it through to the second round.
Candidate profile
Gilead's first post about his candidacy took place on 25th January in a small note tacked to
the board:
A vote for me, is a vote for Gilead. Everyone knows I'm a staunch supporter
of free speech. Free from being poked for what you say. And basic
principles of human rights, like "Four legs good; two legs bad." But most
of all, I'll keep all our aquatic citizens safe from AquaMan and his
aquatic telepathy. Not technically being a sea animal, it doesn't affect
me, so if he tells any innocent dolphins to block the enemy ship's
whirling propellers with their fragile bodies, I can go bite him.
During the mayoral debate of 27th January, Gilead had several answers to questions presented by Mina.
Q: [Mina] For the first question: What are the most pressing concerns on SpinDizzy? How would you address them?
A: [Gilead] The increasing emmigration out of the Rose Garden is but one symptom of an increasing fragmentation of
the populace here. It's where newbies show up, and when they find it empty, they don't come back. We need to get people
back together, to stand for the same thing: fun. If people are alone for no good reason, I could bite
them. Slurping everyone by page and heading to the rose garden by default is helpful, I think. I think being cute helps
too. Who doesn't want to come to the rose garden and pet me? I'm soft as heck.
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [Gilead] I try to set a good example, defending the powerless and sleeping, coming up with new morphs for all the
holidays, making my home pretty, sharing my fish. that last one is hard. Otters don't share food easily. Speaking of
pride, there are things I think I haven't managed to do yet. Getting all our lion population together for a pride march,
for example.
Q: [Mina] It says this is a big question, and that you might have a lot to say: Why should people vote for you? What
does being Mayor mean to you?
A: [Gilead] This place is my home. I don't want it to fall apart.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Gilead] I find insomnia and narcolepsy to be helpful with that. Some of the time I wind up seeing them instead. We
otters are more adaptable than our smaller weasel bretheren. We don't starve to death in 24 hours. But basically we get
up when we're hungry.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [Gilead] It was a paper that was so good, I didn't use it to line the ferret cage. I'd write lots of puns. Maybe
make stories of them sometimes. If something struck me as funny about some current events, maybe I'd write about that
too. ... We could start instituting a purity test via the paper.
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Gilead] I would try to organize all the really fun winter sports. Snow penmanship, sliding, swimming in icewater.
Making snow otters, snowball fights. I'll make sure that the very first day at the stadium is "Tailwarmer Day." So the
coati citizens won't risk frostbite and tail loss from the cold. I'll make sure that the very first day at the stadium is
"Tailwarmer Day." So the coati citizens won't risk frostbite and tail loss from the cold.
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [Gilead] Well, as I mentioned earlier, I consider making the rose garden more busy again is critical. Guests who
show up there and find nobody around, don't move here permanently. Sometimes that's their own loss. But sometimes it's
everyone's mutual loss. I will also personally bite anyone antagonizing newbies over cliquish things. I watched FT
essentially die because Random drove everyone away. As Mayor here, I'd be sure to perforate the ankles of anyone being a
complete ass for no good reason.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Gilead] "Well, the mayoral debates were more of a mayoral debacle, really... ;-) Just kidding. There was a recent
mutilation of someone on here, that went very badly... But I don't really want to bring that up... This isn't a campaign
thing because I just thought of it, but maybe we can put some sort of voting system in place to try to find better times
for events. I can't speak for everyone, but sadly, I sometimes can't be here. :'( Advertised or not, I won't attend
events that are there when I'm not.
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Gilead] Vice-mayor. for times I can't be here. :'( I suppose we could use a city fishcatcher. But if I were
elected Mayor, the position might go unfilled.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Gilead] Making sure that I bite only the guilty. Sometimes it's tempting to bite 'em all and let the enzymes sort
'em out. But as mayor, I'd have to not bite the innocent citizens.
Asked for any last comments, Gilead said, "I promise to develop a methamphetamine habit, and be on 24/7 until I drop
dead from immune system collapse. Or not. It's a campaign promise, I'm not expected to actually do it."
The first round of voting put Gilead in joint fourth place, and earned him a spot on the ballot for the second and
final round of voting. When asked for comment, Gilead pointed to two videos (described here and here) which he
claimed were made by his supporters.
Candidate profile
Dingo's announcement that she would be running for the office of SpinDizzy's mayor occurred
on Monday 25th January, two days before the debate that took place in City Hall.
Hi everyone, I know that a lot of you out there either don't know who
I am, or don't see me very much, outside of the Rose Garden, but as
a Spindizzian who has been around for six years now, I'd like to
mention how much I love this place and how much I love its inhabitants.
Spindizzy has changed a lot since I've joined, and it's still changing,
but what has not changed is the innocent, fun and whimsical charm
that brought (and kept) me here years ago. I would like to hope that it
doesn't change -- So with that, I would like to run on a platform of
togetherness, imagination, and Spindizzian patriotism.
I'd like to see to it that everyone here has a voice and I'd like to see to it
that everyone here has a fair shake at life here on Spindizzy -- or afterlife --
or even non-life.
I'd like to see to it that a great number of us -- including those who hide
away in their burrows and caves, come out and join us in fun activites and
As an astronaut, I'd also like to see an expansion of our nation's Space
Program, so that we can further explore the uniquess of thie 'world' that
we live on, and the infinite void beyond it.
Thank you for your time, and hopefully, your vote.
Love always,
Dingo was present at the mayoral debate of 27th January, and we received these responsed to the questions from host,
Q: [Mina] For the first question: What are the most pressing concerns on SpinDizzy? How would you address them?
A: [Dingo] Spindizzy is a wonderful place, it is very difficult to think of anything really being wrong... but one
pressing concern would be the lack of togetherness. Believe it or not -- most people tend to hide away in their rooms and
don't want to join us in fun activites. I would fix the problem by providing people with various activities and
places where we could come together and enjoy each other's company. Even if that meant having to gently coax people out
of their hiding spots. But we already publicly have fun... and guess what? The same group of people come
out to have fun. I've been here for about 6 years and haven't seen many new people come out to join us lately.
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [Dingo] As a Spindizzian who has been here for quite a while, I can't really say that I have much to really show as
far as accomplishments, but I do like to believe that I'm a good friend and an honest person who will always tell you
what she thinks. I've also helped with our Space program. ... I'd like to add that I'm secretly whimsical too.
Q: [Mina] It says this is a big question, and that you might have a lot to say: Why should people vote for you? What
does being Mayor mean to you?
A: [Dingo] In all sincerity, a lot of people probably see me as very immature and unable to really do anything
meaningful in life, but this place is very important to me, and if being Mayor is the only way I can make my voice
heard--then so be it. I've sat in the corner for years and almost no one noticed I was around until 2 years ago. I'd like
to make it easier for other's voices to be heard as well, and I'd also like to bring the same whimsy and imagination and
life back to the place that brought me here when I was very young and had a horrible life that lacked all of those
things. But the reason why people should vote for me is because as well as a good Goobernator, I would also make a
great liason-- from the citizens to the people they are afraid to approach with their issues.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Dingo] "My hours are very flexible. My player is able to set her own schedule, and if there were people about that
needed her she could somehow find a way to be around to visit at a set time if the need arose.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [Dingo] Argon was one of the first people to become my friend here on Spindizzy and he was one of the people who
made this place special--especially with the newspaper. It should definitely be continued... and although I am rather
shy, I wouldn't mind helping with that. I would write about anything people seemed to be interested in at the moment. I
think the paper was great the way it was. How many other places have a paper?
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Dingo] If I were elected I would make sure that a sizeable crowd were here to enjoy the events and even
participate! :)
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [Dingo] I think Spindizzy should approach immigration carefully, by suggesting it only to people who would further
enrich our nation's unique environment. Only the most whimical, imaginative and polite people should be allowed to join
us! Not just anyone like places like FurryMuck or Taps. Those places are huge--and look at them. They lack imagination
and whimsy. This place was--at least for the while that I've been here, rather small... It doesn't need to be like the
others to be great. It would just be nice if the people we have would just show up in public every once in a while and
let immigration happen slowly.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Dingo] A lot of them tend to work out in the end... but the problem is setting a good time so that everyone can
show up, and getting the word out to folks.
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Dingo] If I were elected, anyone who wanted a position could be or do whatever they wished. It's up to the people,
whether or not I get elected and it will be up to them to tell me about things they want done if they can't do it
themselves. That's Laissez-fur gov'ment for you. (Dingo is kind of joking...) My dingo-plush is gonna be VP. Vice Plushie.
Er... Vice Mayor, sorry.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Dingo] The most difficult aspect of being mayor for me would be naming the money everyday. It's small, but I can
only think of so many things to call pecuniary devices. O_o
Asked for any last comments, Dingo said, "Vote for me and I'll make everyone's voices heard. I'll make everyone's
dreams come true."
Unfortunately, on the evening of January 31st, Dingo withdrew her candidacy for the office of Mayor of SpinDizzy, and so
will not appear on the ballot, although her name may still be entered as a write-in vote.
Candidate profile
Garrison's announcement of his platform was made on January 29th, two days after the first of
the mayoral debates.
Hi, I'm Garrison and I'm running for Mayor.
I was introduced to SD a few years ago when my friends Mavra and Argon invited
me to witness their wedding. Most recently I returned for the Taur Party
and have hung around since then for the last few months meeting most of
the inhabidents of this fine land. I've really enjoyed my time here and
hope I can earn your vote to allow me a chance to give back something more
to the community other than just free bagels. If elected, I promise to
keep an ear open for any suggestions, be them from a member of the
community or of the departing Mayor Beltrami. My door will always be open,
my mind wide to the possibilities.
In conclusion, may I say I believe skunks have a natural association with
pollitics, and I hope you would consider voting mephet for Mayor. Thank
you for your time.
-- Citizen Garrison Skunk.
No other details of Garrison's platform could be found by @Action News, and unfortunately the results of the first
round of voting did not put Garrison in the top four, and he was unable to progress to the next round of voting.
Candidate profile
Kefan's first public statement of his platform was at the mayoral debate on 27th January, hosted by Mina.
Q: [Mina] For the first question: What are the most pressing concerns on SpinDizzy? How would you address them?
A: [Kefan] I can't say I see a lot of problems that need to be addressed. If any turned up I suppose I'd address them
using the complete ZIP+4. On a nice label. With correct postage. I think the best way to coax people out is
to just publicly have fun. That doesn't necessarily require new events, but it might mean better use of the events
calendar. If someone's planning on something, go ahead and throw it up there. We're all creative folks here. Almost
anything's bound to appeal to someone.
Q: [Mina] What accomplishment on SpinDizzy are you most proud of? As in, something you did or helped do.
A: [Kefan] I make great furniture wherever I am. Always there to be leaned on or even sat on.
Q: [Mina] It says this is a big question, and that you might have a lot to say: Why should people vote for you? What
does being Mayor mean to you?
A: [Kefan] "Well, I offer a mayoralty with twice the legs of the average candidate. I should like to think I would be
an approachable mayor. I certainly don't plan to stop making a couch of myself in the park or anywhere else.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Kefan] I hardly keep to my own time zone as it is! I should show up more during the day. I can do that, though.
Q: [Mina] What should be done about the newspaper? Would you write a Mayor's column for it? If so, what would you
write about?
A: [Kefan] If there was a desire for a column, I could write one. No idea what I'd write about, although I'm always
open to suggestions. Might be a random observation, might be proposed designs for our coinage, might be just about
anything. Certainly, I hope to see the paper continue; I haven't been part of those discussions.
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Kefan] Mostly by getting out of their way. Putting skis on a centaur is a good way to re-create the 'agony of
defeat' footage.
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [Kefan] Growing Spin is important, yes. That's something we can all do when we go visiting elsewhere: inviting
people over, give them a chance to see us. There's no reason not to mention the place to someone any of us thinks would
like it here.
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Kefan] I don't like to think about failures. Move on to the next and apologise when appropriate.
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Kefan] Well, I've promised to appoint a Minister of Cheese. Cheese is very important. I think it's important that
the vice-mayor be good at vice, too. I think it's important that the vice-mayor be good at vice, too.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Kefan] Most difficult? Being called 'mare' when I'm a stallion. :D Oh, and I hope there's not a lot of marble
floors in City Hall. Polished marble and hooves don't get along.
Asked for any last comments, Kefan replied, "Well, I'd like to thank my fellow candidates and our citizens for showing
up tonight, and pre-thank anyone who chooses to vote for me, and I would of course like to encourage everyone to vote
Kefan hosted a Q&A session on Sunday 31st January, a full recording of which is available in the
newspaper archives.
Unfortunately, Kefan did not gain enough votes to make it through into the second round, when Beltrami announced the
results on Monday 8th February.
Candidate profile
Jimun's platform was explained through his answers to to Mina's questions at the mayoral
debate on 27th January, to which he arrived a little late and missed some of the initial questions.
Q: [Mina] How would you help those on a different time zone who may never get to meet you personally? After all, we
have a somewhat different set of people on the opposite 'shift'.
A: [Jimun] Getting events when most people are around is very difficult. Maybe we should consider recruiting folks on
a different time schedule to run events at alternate times, or on different days, to increase the odds of people being
able to attend. I'm usually up at strange hours, and usually have a fairly flexible schedule for when I can attend. But
if necessary, it might be wise to help those in other timezones to assist with events and the like.
Q: [Mina] How would you help with the upcoming SpinDizzy winter Olympics?
A: [Jimun] Oh well. I certainly support the Spindizzy Olympics. I think it's a wonderful opportunity for us to get
together and enjoy ourselves. I'm willing to offer my assistance however I can...
Q: [Mina] Do you think SpinDizzy's population should grow via immigration? If so, how would you go about growing it?
A: [Jimun] I feel that Spindizzy's population should grow naturally however it should be. Encouraging other to join us
is a nice thing to do, but ultimately it's their decision if Spindizzy is right for them. I feel that the quality of the
experience here is more important than the quantity of the citizens. I think I agree with Gilead to some degree. Though
my methods wouldn't be quite so violent. I want Spindizzy to be a welcoming and comfortable place for everyone, including
Q: [Mina] What's a recent specific activity you feel didn't work out, and how might you have tried it differently?
A: [Jimun] Hmm. I can't recall an event off the top of my head that's gone particularly badly...
Q: [Mina] Is there a place for other civic positions besides mayor/deputy mayor- and if so what positions?
A: [Jimun] "Well... perhaps a position that assists with organizing events, I'm not sure. It would be nice if the Vice
Mayor would help to attend at times when the Mayor is not available.
Q: [Mina] And... last question before we open the floor to the candidates: What will the candidates think will be the
most difficult aspect of being the mayor for them, personally?
A: [Jimun] Staying awake during any daytime events, maybe. But more seriously, I suppose the most difficult thing with
me is being more outspoken. I tend to be rather quiet and keep to myself at times. But I've been making a personal effort
to be more social and active.
Jimun gave an impromptu speech on Monday February 1st, the first day of voting:
Jimun says, "Well. I dunno. I don't have a speech prepared or anything. And
it's probably kind of late to earn any sway on people's decisions. But I
can speak if you really want me to."
Jimun hmms and thinks for a moment, "I suppose I'm really one who
believes in being friendly and helpful to everyone. If I were to be the
mayor, I'd want everyone to feel comfortable coming to me when they need
help with different things. I also want to do what I can to help maintain
and improve Spindizzy."
Jimun says, "I'm open and welcoming to folks of all kinds. Regardless of
shape, species, or number of limbs. I would like to make plans to help
make this place more accommodating to folks with unusual body shapes, or
those that live in the water."
Jimun says, "I suppose, the main point is that Spindizzy is home for me. I
have many friend here, and I feel very comfortable in this place, and I
want to give everything I can to see that it is a wonderful and inviting
place to everyone else as well."
At the announcement of the results of the first round of voting by Betrami, Jimun was sadly one vote short from making it
through the the second round.
Candidate profile
On February 9th, Jaxen gave this description of his platform.
Jaxen for Mayor of SpinDizzy
Greetings SpinDizzians,
I would like to thank all of you for taking part of this election process;
even if you did not vote prior, you have at least listened and given
Since making it to the final round, some of you have expressed concern that
you are either unaware of my positions or at least unclear of them. I
feel it is my duty to clear this up as soon as possible, so that you can
make an informed choice. I DO apologize that this situation occurred.
Circumstances beyond my control left me unable to attend the mayoral
debate or hold many speeches during the week of campaigning. (Real-life
sometimes throws us into unexpected periods of chaos.)
First of all, I intend to be a modest mayor. I'm not in this race for
personal gains; I'm here because of a love for this community and a want
to keep it a friendly, fun, open place. The mayor is a leader who serves
and helps the community grow, and I believe I can fill that role. I have
been apart of SpinDizzy for a very long time, and I know many of the folks
here and the dynamics of the group. I will keep up our system of
holidays, old and new, and I will plan events of interest to the
community. (I have some ideas in the works already, such as public
dances.) I also intend to be open and approachable to all. If anyone has
an idea for an event or project, I'll listen. I will try to encourage
people to come out and participate, but I will not attempt to force
anyone's involvement. I also intend to give the lesser-recognized time
zones present here, events and activities of their own to enjoy, as I know
many have been unable to be involved regular event times.
I do not intend to call for drastic changes to the world, but I do have some
plans I would pursue as mayor. My plans involve promoting community
together-ness, and I will not step in the way of those who want to
encourage it. I would like to setup a system/forum were all SpinDizzians
can share ideas that would improve the community. I have heard good ideas
go on pursued before, because the person who envisioned it lacks the time
and/or skills to plan it out. A public forum would allow others to hear
the ideas and perhaps some may take up the challenge of pursuing them. No
one should be afraid to share his or her ideas. On a related note, a good
leader knows he/she can not do everything alone, rather the leader knows
when, what and who to delegate tasks to. As mayor, I do not intend to
take on /all/ projects myself, and I will seek out willing and capable
help as needed.
Finally, I am thinking of founding a college here, to complement our existing
school system. Currently we lack a central place of higher learning and
advanced research. I envision a campus that will fill this gap and
provide a new avenue of RP.
Thank You for you're time and attention. Please remember to vote; your vote
IS valuable.
\/ ax E. Neurocyon
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